
i am trying to break your heart

how do you know when you're passionate about something?

when everything else in your life points to it.

classes like philosophy and music - which would normally seem mundane and useless to me - become lifegiving to me when i see them pointing at poetry. i saw this when cadenza and melisma and hedonism and david hume started showing up in my writing.

the lenses of my eyes are poems.
my mind is a template for a poem. insert you, insert yesterday, insert grass and laundromats and nursing homes and madrid and summer and texas. . .

poems deconstruct the dams i've built to stop feeling things.
poems are reservoirs of emotion.
poems are dangerous and burdensome.

"If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches; for the creator, there is no poverty." -rainer maria rilke

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats EXACTLY how i feel about art.
thanks for sharing that ashley baby.